I recently listened to David Hemery of 1968 gold medal Olympics fame and of 21st Century Legacy fame. Last year he ran the London Marathon to raise money for 21st Century Legacy. For those not in the know 21st Century Legacy is behind the Be the Best You Can Be! programme in schools to unlock the valuable potential in each child.
David is an inspiring speaker, fundraiser, coach and do-er, and has worked assiduously with 21st Century Legacy to raise funds to ensure the charity can provide this great programme at minimum cost to schools. He has been a coach and mentor for many years and engages eagerly with the discussions around the overlaps and distinctions between the different descriptors of “coaching, mentoring, advising, consulting”.
The ultimate aim of those of us who deliver coaching/mentoring/advising/consulting is to elicit the best from those we work with and enable them to elicit their own best. David does this with schoolchildren and students giving them the opportunity to discover their own greatness on whatever scale and in whatever dimension. I do it with grown-ups to help them enhance and develop possibilities and opportunities in and for themselves. Neither of us, or anyone else in our profession, needs to worry about terminologies as long as we make sure those on the other side of the relationship understand that we are there to somehow make their lives change for the better. Be the Best YOU Can Be. As David said, it isn’t about being the best of or better than everything and everyone, it is the best YOU.
Read more about 21st Century Legacy and get your local schools on-board. Don’t let the kids miss out!